If you are a private person and think to isse a warning notice under competition law you may need to read this article. A warning notice under competition law may only be issued in business dealings, i.e. among entrepreneurs. Private
Aggressive competition campaign: Is that such a thing?
Aggressive commercial action are not that uncommon and however, they are strictly prohibited from the German law. Do you already know what we are talking about? Which actions are actually to consider strictly prohibited? Prohibited are commercial actions which are
BKartA´s latest decision on the Amazon concern
Are you curious to know more about the Amazon´s legal rights in Germany? Horak Attorneys at Law is the law firm you are looking for. The Federal Cartel Office (Bundeskartellamt, BKartA) classifies Amazon as a company with outstanding cross-market importance
Restricts of Competition: The Apple Pay Case
Apple Pay Restrictions: It’s a EU Competition Case The EU Commission considers the use of the NFC interface in the iPhone solely by Apple Pay to be an abuse of Apple’s dominant position in the markets for mobile wallets on
The “Place an order”Button and its Payment Obligation: ECJ Decision
13.04.2022 // The “place an order” button must indicate the payment obligation – ECJ Decision on the effectiveness of online orders During the ruling of 7 April 2022, the ECJ (Case C-249/21) was taken a tribunal decision on the question
What happens in case of breach of competition law?
What happens in case of breach of competition law? In case of breaching of competition law, there are prosecution proceedings that need to be take into consideration. This abovementioned paragraph has as original source the official website of the German
Large digital companies abuse control
Bundeskartellamt releases a statement about the Alphabet/Google abuse control For the first time, the Federal Cartel Office has certified Google’s “overriding, cross-market importance” for competition and can now prohibit practices of the company that endanger competition. According to Andreas Mundt,
OLG Rostock sees breach of competition on LUCA App
Rostock and the Luca-App breaching competition laws Learn more about this last tribunal decision: Oberlandesgericht (OLG) Rostock (Urt. v. 11.11.2021, Az. 17 Verg 4/21) The Rostock Higher Regional Court has decided: the direct award of the Luca app by
Competitive Terms and Symbols
Competition Regulations for everyone Everyone who is active in the business environment must observe, among other things, the provisions of the Unfair Competition Act (UWG). The UWG protects competitors, consumers and other market participants from unfair behaviour. Ultimately, the following applies:
22.02.2021 // OLG Köln confirms: Influencer must label non-paid posts on Instagram as advertising!
Influencer must label non-paid posts on Instagram as advertising: all about this last tribunal decision of the Cologne Higher Regional Court (Judgment v. 19.02.2021, Ref. 6 U 103/20). In a recent decision, the Cologne Higher Regional Court (OLG) confirmed that