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Jurisprudence related to German competition law (UWG)
Aggressive Practices, Article 5 (1) Basic Law, Article 80(2) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Black Friday, Comparative Advertising, Competition Law, Directive (EU) 2019/2161 (Omnibus Directive), European Court of Justice (ECJ), GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), German Federal Court of Justice (BGH), Greenwashing, Influencer Marketing, Misleading Commercial Practices, Misleading Online Reviews, misleading under competition law, Omnibus Directive, Post-Contractual Non-Compete Obligations, Section 3a UWG, Section 4a UWG, Section 5 UWG, Section 5a UWG, Section 6 UWG, Section 74 (1) German Commercial Code, Unfair competition law, UWG
Here is a detailed explanation of recent jurisprudence related to the updates in German competition law (UWG), including case references, decision names, and applicable legal norms, presented in English: 1. German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) – Post-Contractual Non-Compete Clauses
Can you issue a warning notice under competition law?
Cease-and-Desist, competition authority, Competition Law, Copyright, Cosmetics Law, EU competition law, Food Stuff Law, General Info, German law, German Unfair Competition Act, German unfair competition law, Impediment, injunctive relief, Multi Level Marketing Recht, Procurement Law, Restriction on Competition, Special Provisions
If you are a private person and think to isse a warning notice under competition law you may need to read this article. A warning notice under competition law may only be issued in business dealings, i.e. among entrepreneurs. Private
Aggressive competition campaign: Is that such a thing?
Aggressive commercial action are not that uncommon and however, they are strictly prohibited from the German law. Do you already know what we are talking about? Which actions are actually to consider strictly prohibited? Prohibited are commercial actions which are