References for further information:
I. Rights:
- Intellectual Property (Registration and defence of patents, trademarks, designs, domains, varieties, etc.), Technology Law (EDP-Law, Telecommunication Law etc.) as well as Declaration, Contracts, Clauses and Judgement concerning this topic on (created from Attorney Michael Horak).
- “Die Markenrechtler”: Our German Website concerns trademark-related FAQ, form, trademarks registration and application, German and international Trademark Act and related jurisdiction.
- The German Patent and Trade Mark Office provides comprehensive assistance on all “registrable” intellectual property rights at and respectively. On these websites, you can find information on how to officially register a trademark.
- The University of Saarbrücken has an extensive collection on legal topics at its disposal in the form of
II. Other Special Links:
- The website offers name and trademark searches.
- The ideahelp GbR,, offers name and trademark searches.
- The American association AIPLA presents its activities in the field of intellectual property on the platform
- The IBA (International Bar Association) offers information on international topics of the legal profession and numerous legal issues with an international orientation on the website .
- A highly multi-faceted information platform on all European Union issues, including its legal acts, opinions, etc., can be found on its official server .
- The WIPO Conciliation Division provides a detailed overview of its domain arbitration procedures.
General Helpful Links
horak . Rechtsanwälte: Intellectual Property, Competition and Technology
Intellectual Property (IP) from our Attorney at Law and Law Firm Partner Michael Horak
horak . Rechtsanwälte Fachanwälte: General Website of our Law Firm
Markenrecht: Search, registration and defence of trademark rights
Patentrecht: Information on German, European and International Patent Law
Urheberrecht: Fundamentals of Copyright Law
Musikrecht: Information on U/E music with model contracts
Fotorecht: Summary of the copyright, personal rights and pictorial rights standards
IP-Recht/ IT-Recht: Website concerning IP/IT-related legal matters
Onlinerecht/Internetrecht: Fundamentals of Internet Law
Wettbewerbsrecht: Advertising (German) Law
Lebensmittelrecht: Food Stuff Law, Food Stuff Hygiene, Food Labeling
Anwalt Hannover: Legal Representation in legal matters
IT-Recht Hannover: IT-Law related website
IT-Recht: General Information on computer and internet law
Domainrecht: Information on Domain Name matters
UDRP-/ADR-Domainschiedsverfahren: Our of court, fast dispute resolution of domain disputes
Medienrecht: Copyright Law, Media Law, Music Law, Film Law, Television Law, Publishing Law, Event Law
Lebensmittelrecht/Arzneimittelrecht/Heilmittelwerberecht: Information on German Health Provisions
Energierecht, Energiewirtschaftsrecht: Energy Law Page
Rechtsanwalt für IT-Recht: legal information on information technology law
Europarecht: European Union Law, European Law
Wirtschaftsrecht: Law firm representation on business law topics
Gesellschaftsrecht Hannover: Information on Business Law
Anwaltliches Inkasso: Department for Receivables Collection / Receivables Management
Handelsrecht Hannover: Dept Collection Department/Receivable Management
Wirtschaftsrecht Hannover: Legal Information on Commercial Law
Insolvenzrecht Hannover: Regulation and insolvency proceedings
Steuerrecht: Legal Tax Advice and Tax Litigation
Tierrecht: Fundamentals of animal law, veterinary law, animal purchase law, animal keeper liability (in each case with small animal law/large animal law – in particular also horse law)
Anwalt für Arzthaftungsrecht: Office page on medical malpractice law and patient related law
Vergaberecht: Information on the public tender/award procedure
Anwaltskanzlei in Hannover: GTC/Internet and Warning Notice-related legal matters
Anwalt für Arbeitsrecht in Hannover: Information on labor law
Arbeitnehmererfinderrecht/ Diensterfindungen: Forms and deadlines of the German ArbnErfG, also called in English : Act on Employees Invention
Abmahnungabwehren: Music download / movie download warning letters (so-called file sharing warning or warning due to alleged uploads)
Recht des Ingenieurs: Information on building law, architectural law and engineering law
Fachanwalt Hannover: Specialist attorney for intellectual property law/ Specialist attorney for copyright and media law in Hanover
Gerichtsprozessanwalt: Appointment representation/sub-authorization in Lower Saxony, Hamburg and Bremen
Patent Applications
Markenanmeldung in D/EU/IR: Form for trademark application/ trademark consultation
Markenanmeldung in Österreich: Form for trademark protection in Austria
Weltweite Markenanmeldungen: Implementation of national, regional and international trademark applications in all countries where this is possible
Patentanmeldung/Patentschutz in D/EU/PCT: Commissioning of patent searches, patent applications and utility model applications
Designschutz (früher:Geschmacksmusterschutz): Search, registration and defence of designs
Fullservicemarkenschutz: Trademark searches/ Trademark monitoring/ Trademark application
Fixmarke: legal trademark applications in Germany, trademark protection in the EU, international trademarks and Chinese trademarks
Discountmarkenschutz: bundled packages for the implementation of trademark applications
Markenschutz-Pakete: Application packages for the registration of trademarks
Markenrecherche-Pakete: Carrying out trademark/name searches, in particular for advertising agencies, trademark portfolio owners and multi-brand applicants
EU-Markenanmeldung: Form for trademark registration
Gemeinschaftsmarkenschutz: EU-Trademark Application and Registration
Internationale Markenanmeldung: Form for trademark registration
Schutz von Bildmarken:Form for word and figurative trademark application
Schutz von Firmennamen: Form for name protection/trademark protection
Name schützen lassen: Protection of word marks
Marke schützen lassen: Trademark protection page
Markenrecherchen/Markenschutz: Staged offers for the implementation of a trademark application
Markenwiderspruch: Opposition proceedings concerning trade marks applied for/registered
Markenlöschung: Cancellation proceedings for registered trade marks
Markenrecherche: Trademark search form
Ähnlichkeitsrecherche nach Marken: Search for similar license plates
Firmensuche: Search for company names/ trademarks
Our blogs are completely in German and concerns mainly the IP/IT legal matters, trademarks-related news, important cases, copyright, patent law, privacy policies and more general intellectual property:
Most Important English Websites
horak Law Firm: Our Law Firm website
IP Law in Germany: intellectual property law
Trademark-Applications: Trademark applications
Attorney-Trademark: Trademark Lawyers
Trademark Filing: Trademark Registrations
Trademark Lawyers: General Information on Trademark Law
Patent-Filer: Patent Registrations (Germany, Europe and International)
Copyright Lawyer: Copyright
Online Law/ Internet Law: Internet Law
Health Lawyer: Health Act
Other Websites
Kreativtresor: Works of Intellectual Property
Reputation-Defender: Protection of privacy and reputation on the internet
Eyepi: IP Services
Servip: IP Services
Ingenieurbüro für Elektrotechnik: Engineer