Aggressive commercial action are not that uncommon and however, they are strictly prohibited from the German law. Do you already know what we are talking about? Which actions are actually to consider strictly prohibited? Prohibited are commercial actions which are
Competitive Terms and Symbols
Competition Regulations for everyone Everyone who is active in the business environment must observe, among other things, the provisions of the Unfair Competition Act (UWG). The UWG protects competitors, consumers and other market participants from unfair behaviour. Ultimately, the following applies:
22.02.2021 // OLG Köln confirms: Influencer must label non-paid posts on Instagram as advertising!
Influencer must label non-paid posts on Instagram as advertising: all about this last tribunal decision of the Cologne Higher Regional Court (Judgment v. 19.02.2021, Ref. 6 U 103/20). In a recent decision, the Cologne Higher Regional Court (OLG) confirmed that
Restrictions with freedom
In recent years, the restrictions on advertising and sales have become a little bit more “relaxed”. In 2001, German legislators started working on solving old prohibitions. The Ordinance on Bonuses of 1932 (Zugabeverordnung) and the 1933 Discount Act (Rabattgesetz) were