Online-Form – Examination of (received) Notice of Warning

Mit Hilfe des folgenden Formulars können Sie eine Abmahnung anwaltlich prüfen lassen, die Sie erhalten haben. Selbstverständlich erhalten Sie von uns eine Bestätigung der Bearbeitung.

You can use the following form to have a warning letter that you have received checked by one of our attorneys. As a second step, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from us.

    Your contact details


    Please indicate the reason for the warning.

    Warning received?

    You have been warned; please send us the warning letter together with the required cease-and-desist declaration as soon as possible; please briefly explain whether and, if so, why you consider the warning letter to be justified.


    If applicable, please tell us your own concerns or comments - if available.

    Attorney's fees from 89 EUR**.

    Competition law examination of the warning letter; if necessary, further proceedings

    *All prices are quoted net in EUR plus statutory value added tax. The non-binding offer applies to entrepreneurs/companies and public institutions. Our prices apply GTC.

    Of course you can also give us the above data by telephone, fax or – also with your comments – send it to us by e-mail.